Sunday, May 6, 2012

Here we go again

Chemo number three is on its way this week.  Thursday will make it half way.  I am happy about that, but it still means that there are three more to go.  July still seems so far away.

I have been doing really well this past week.  My hair is all gone and I am fine with that.  I can go out with out a problem.  I get some looks, but most people have been really nice, maybe nicer than they would have otherwise been. 

I did do one thing that I should not have done.  I went looking on line for an advocacy group for ovarian cancer.  There aren't many.  I found one in Philadelphia, but that is the closest one.  That upset me.  This is such a horrible disease that effects so many woman.  You hardly ever hear about it on the news or in the media.  Then I started reading about it at the national Ovarian Cancer Coalition.  It is so scary.  There are so many woman dieing from this.  It is so frustrating.  I feel so helpless and sad.  There is no test for it, there is no real symptoms and there is nothing to do to prevent it.  I feel like it is a crap shoot and I lost.  I still don't understand how this whole thing happened. I am so sad.

Devin went to Prom this weekend.  She was so beautiful and grown up.  Life goes on and I am still learning to dance in the rain, some times it is hard. 

1 comment:

  1. Misho Please do not be SAD You did not lose the crap shoot!!! You found yours early Things could be much worse Like uncle Jack said you got a prognosis They got a sentence. I thank GOD every day that we are where we are, things could be so much worse. The glass is 1/2 FULL not 1/2 empty. LOVE YOU POP
